We are sharing local education data so that everyone can better understand our local systems and be well equipped to advocate for positive change.
Key Takeaways
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted and disrupted many aspects of education and learning in our community.
The pandemic disrupted many aspects of how students learn in Forsyth County and it caused disruptions to data on our educational outcomes. Some core measures were apparently negatively impacted by COVID-19 (i.e. early reading) and others were not (i.e. high school graduation rate).
The Forsyth Promise team is currently working with our community partners to dig deeper and tell the story of how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted (and will continue to impact) education in Forsyth County. Sign up for our mailing list (at the bottom of this page) to know when we publish new content.
"Upstream" factors are negatively impacting students in Forsyth County and negatively impacting our community's educational outcomes.
“Upstream” factors — such as family economic security, housing stability, and mental and physical health — are impacting students before they ever set foot in a classroom.
Many children in Forsyth County are not entering Kindergarten prepared to learn to read, and only about 40% of all third graders were proficient in reading in the 2020-21 school year.
Research shows that when a child falls behind on early reading proficiency, they are more likely to have poor educational and life outcomes.
Students of color have significantly worse educational outcomes than their White peers.
There are significant disparities across most of our educational outcomes by race/ethnicity.
Students who are economically vulnerable have significantly worse educational outcomes than their economically secure peers.
There are significant disparities across most of our educational outcomes by socioeconomic status.
Stay tuned: The Forsyth Promise blog series
We are digging deeper to tell the story of what’s happening with education in Forsyth County and connect data on our outcomes to action in the community. Sign up for our mailing list to get our monthly newsletter deliverede to your inbox (scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up).
Did you know?
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools has a strategic plan that is designed to improve many of the educational outcomes that you’ll find in the TFP Data Exchange.
The Forsyth Promise Data Exchange
We are sharing community information so that everyone can better understand our educational systems. This resource is kept up to date as local data sources are updated through a partnership between The Forsyth Promise and Forsyth Futures.
We Value Your Feedback
If you have a question about The Forsyth Promise Data Exchange, please email [email protected].
Community Context Review
To understand our educational outcomes, we have to look beyond the classroom and see the whole child.
When a child is hungry, faces instability at home, or their family lacks the income to afford basic needs, they encounter barriers to success. To better understand our outcomes as a community, we must look beyond the classroom and recognize that, often, children are set up for success or failure before they ever step foot inside a classroom.
Local Education Data
A better understanding of our educational systems empowers us to advocate for changes that can improve outcomes and equity.

Core Education Measures
Core education measures help us understand critical outcomes within our educational systems like third grade reading proficiency, ACT proficiency, and high school graduation. Core education measures span the cradle-to-career spectrum, from early childhood to higher education, and feature interactive data visualizations built from reliable, high-quality data analysis. Many measures are disaggregated by race/ethnicity and socio-economic status.
Equity Measures
While the disaggregated data provided through the core education measures helps us better understand disparities in outcomes, equity measures have been selected to help us understand critical aspects of educational equity in practice in our community, such as disproportionate discipline practices, segregation, access to resources, and diversity of educators and staff.

The COVID-19 Pandemic
The pandemic disrupted many aspects of how students learn in Forsyth County and it caused disruptions to data on our educational outcomes. Some core measures were apparently negatively impacted by COVID-19 (i.e. early reading) and others were not (i.e. high school graduation rate).
The Forsyth Promise team is currently working with our community partners to dig deeper and tell the story of how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted (and will continue to impact) education in Forsyth County. Sign up for our mailing list (at the bottom of this page) to know when we publish new content.

The Forsyth Promise is our community’s cradle-to-career education initiative.
Advocating for Equitable Educational Systems
Bringing People and Organizations Together
Helping to Improve Educational Outcomes at All Levels
We work across our local education systems to coordinate and align resources so that every child, regardless of race, ZIP code, or circumstance, can live up to their fullest potential in the classroom, in the community, and in life.
We invite you to learn more about how The Forsyth Promise is working to engage voices, change mindsets, and build community capacity to improve education locally.